
Example School No. 1
name. John Smith
in London


John Smith

Our patron of the school is Jan Nowak, an outstanding Polish scientist and humanist. Nowak was born in the 19th century in Warsaw and from an early age showed an extraordinary talent and interest in natural sciences. He studied chemistry and physics at the University of Warsaw, and after obtaining his doctorate, he went to study in Germany, where he developed his interests in the field of organic chemistry.

After returning to Poland, Nowak became a professor at the University of Warsaw and set up a research laboratory there, which quickly became one of the best in Europe. His work on the synthesis of organic compounds and research on the structure of molecules contributed to a revolution in the field of organic chemistry and initiated many new discoveries.

Nowak was also an active social activist.

Example School No. 1
name. John Smith
in London



 555 666 777

st. example 17
00-100 Warsaw


Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00


For students

About school

Wi-Fi throughout the school

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